Program Läkardagen, den 2 maj
9:00 Välkomna, Malin Ronnby ordförande i TSC Sverige
9:15 Kevin Pearsson, leg. Läk, med dr. Pratar om sin forskning om epilepsikirurgi vid TSC samt sin kommande forskning om TAND mm.
9:45 Anna Jansen, professor i barnneurologi, TAND and the TANDem project
In this lecture Anna will discuss the concept of TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders, the development of the TAND-L checklist for health care providers and the TAND-SQ checklist for families as well as the TAND Toolkit app which provides guidance on interventions for TAND.
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Magnus Lundkvist, Specialistläkare i neurologi, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge om Handläggningsstödet för vuxna med TSC.
14:00 Anna Jansen, professor i barnneurologi, how to manage seizures and SEGA in tuberous sclerosis complex?
In this lecture we will review the current treatment options for TSC-related epilepsy and SEGA and touch upon ongoing research in this area.
16:00 Avslutning, Malin Ronnby, ordförande i TSC Sverige